
Facebook Messenger ChatbotsMessenger Chatbots are here and are the future of Online Marketing. This rapidly evolving technology is changing the way we do business online and presents an exciting, effective and instant way for customers and brands to interact.

Facebook Chatbots are one of the most potent tools to enable you to interact with your website's visitors and to convert them to clients. Facebook has changed the way in which consumers and businesses interact on Facebook - the world's largest social platform.

Facebook Messenger has been around since 2011 and is used by over 1 billion people worldwide each day. The real change which Cotswold Websites can help you take advantage of, is the use of chatbots. Facebook Chatbots will help revolutionise your communication with customers.

In short, Facebook Chatbots are the future of online marketing!

Find Out More About Chatbots

What Are Chatbots?

Chatbots Magazine - a great resource for all things chatbot - describes chatbots as "A chatbot is a service, powered by rules and sometimes artificial intelligence, that you interact with via a chat interface."

There are a good many different types of chatbot out there, but we are going to concentrate on harnessing the power of the Facebook Messenger platform by creating chatbots to use Messenger as a chat facility on WordPress websites. If configured well, a chatbot will mirror the type of conversation you might having when going into a shop and are going through the buying process with shop staff.

A workflow can be created to automatically give responses to your website visitors' questions - all without the need for a human operator to be making the replies! Facebook Chatbots are perfect when used in scenarios such as replying to your visitors' requests or to guide them down a pre-made set of questions to guide them to a specific topic, product, service or call-to-action (CTA):

  • "What are your business opening hours?" > Which day do you want to visit? > "Monday" > Open from 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • Are you interested in our training courses? > "Yes" > Choose your course > "SEO Masterclass" > Send the visitor to the booking link
  • Would you like to book an appointment? > "Yes" > Which day? > "8th August" > What time? > "2:00pm" > Click on Book Appointment button
If implemented well, Facebook Chatbots will help improve engagement with your website's visitors and at the same time reduce your business's need for staff who do nothing other than manage your website's chat.

Why Use Chatbots?

Communicating through chatbots is like talking to a friend on Facebook. The great thing about Facebook chatbots is that Facebook Messenger is now delivering open rates of up to 90% and click-through rates of up to 30%. This is significantly higher than with traditional e-mail marketing where open rates average up to 23% and the CTR is just 3.3%.
Messenger Click Through Rates

It should therefore be a no-brainer that Facebook Messenger is likely to be the more profitable method of getting your message out to your audience.

Add to Messenger AI automation by using chatbots and you have an invaluable resource to save your support staff time and simultaneously both improve communication with your visitors and drive them to buy your services and products.

Chatbots are like having super loyal staff members that work 24/7 and don’t require a salary!
What if you had a team member that never takes holidays? Never gets sick? Hardly ever makes mistakes? Never forgets important things? Does exactly as you need? Works 100% effectively all the time and never needs a salary? Would that make a difference to your business?

Well, setting up a CHATBOT makes it all possible!

HOWEVER… Chatbots need to be set up properly; otherwise, they can annoy your customers. We will help your business by building a Facebook Messenger Chatbot which will work for your needs.

Who Are Chatbots For?

Facebook Chatbots are ideal for you if you are looking for:

  • Ways to generate more leads for your business
  • Speed up your sales process
  • Grow your brand and subscribers on Facebook Messenger
  • Utilise automation in your marketing
  • Sophisticated ways to automate everyday customer support elements such as FAQ
  • Intelligent ways to segment leads for a highly personalised customer journey
  • Automatic ways to engage and follow up with leads and customers, regardless of location